This paper examines the impact of destination country characteristics on south-south refugee movements between 2004 and 2019.
JDC Literature Review
Do legal restrictions affect refugees’ labor market and education outcomes? Evidence from harmonized data
This paper estimates the impact of refugee policies on labor and education outcomes in developing countries that host refugees.
The effects of refugees’ camps on hosting areas: Social conflicts and economic growth
This article investigates the effects of refugee camps on the occurrence of social conflicts and on economic growth in the Africa region. The authors investigate the effect of 140 refugees’ camps listed in the UNHCR Camp Mapping Database in 22 African countries, located within 100 km from a border. Most of the camps are in Ethiopia (26 camps), Sudan (22 camps), Chad (22 camps), South Sudan (9 camps), and Cameroon (9 camps).
Estimating Poverty among Refugee Populations: A CrossSurvey Imputation Exercise for Chad
Household consumption surveys do not typically cover refugee populations, and consequently poverty estimates for refugees are rare. This paper examines the performance of cross-survey imputation methods to estimate poverty for a sample of refugees in Chad, by...