This paper develops a Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) to examine patterns of multidimensional poverty among IDPs and refugees, with comparisons to host populations, in five African countries. The MPI is disaggregated to analyze variations in deprivation by...
JDC Literature Review
Forced displacement, Gender and Livelihoods: Refugees in Ethiopia
This paper examines gender differences in livelihood opportunities among refugee and host community households in Ethiopia. The analysis draws on data from the Ethiopia Skills Profile Survey 2017 (SPS 2017), which surveyed refugees in camps and surrounding host...
Welfare Impact of Hosting Refugees in Ethiopia
This paper examines the impact of refugee inflows on the welfare of host households in Ethiopia. The author examines the impact on consumption expenditure per capita and wealth of host households, and investigates three potential mechanisms for these effects, namely:...
Refugees and Decent Work – Lessons Learned from Recent Refugee Jobs Compacts
This paper examines refugee livelihoods from a labor standards perspective. The author presents case studies of the work aspects of the Jordanian and Ethiopian job compacts, and distils lessons learned about how to integrate refugees into host country labor markets in...
Measuring the Costs of Internal Displacement on IDPs And Hosts: Case Studies in Eswatini, Ethiopia, Kenya And Somalia
This report presents the first results of IDMC’s standardized survey for assessing the economic impacts of internal displacement on livelihoods, housing, health, education and security of IDPs and host communities. Data from the survey and key informant interviews are...
Impact of the Regulatory Environment on Refugees’ and Asylum Seekers’ Ability to Use Formal Remittance Channels
This report examines the impact of regulations and regulatory policies on a refugee’s ability to send and receive formal, cross-border remittances, drawing on seven country case studies (Denmark, Ethiopia, Germany, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, and the...
Refugee Economies in Addis Ababa – Towards Sustainable Opportunities for Urban Communities
There are 22,000 registered refugees in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, including: 17,000 Eritrean refugees under the Out-of-Camp Policy (OCP) based on their capacity to be self-reliant; and 5,000 Somali refugees mostly under the Urban Assistance Programme (UAP) because of...
A Call to Action: Mobilising Local Resources in Ethiopia for Urban IDPs
In 2018, about 1,300 registered IDP households and many unregistered IDPs fled ethnic conflict in the Somali region of Ethiopia to seek safety in Adama, the capital of the Oromia region. The city government led a successful multi-level response that included action by...
Building Refugee Economies: An Evaluation of the IKEA Foundation’s Programme in Dollo Ado
This report presents a detailed evaluation of the IKEA Foundation’s livelihood programs in Dollo Ado refugee camps in the remote Somali region of Ethiopia. The Dollo Ado camp complex accommodates around 160,000 refugees. Working through UNHCR, the IKEA Foundation has...