This article describes an education in emergencies toolkit developed by Save the Children that uses participatory assessments to improve learning environments in humanitarian settings. Assessments cover five areas: emotional and psychosocial protection; physical...
JDC Literature Review
Early Childhood Development and Psychosocial Support in Syria
This article describes an initiative of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) to address widespread mental health issues among IDPs in the Salamieh District in the eastern Hama Governorate of Syria, by integrating psychosocial support into their early childhood...
Schooling Gaps for Syrian Refugees in Turkey
This article discusses gaps in the provision of education to Syrian refugees in Turkey. Education services for Syrian refugees in Turkey were initially provided through temporary education centers (TECs) established in refugee camps as well as in communities with...
The Impact of Syrian Crisis on the Quality of Education in Jordan: A Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment
This paper investigates the causal impact of the Syria crisis on education quality in Jordan, in particular, the consequences of overcrowding and ‘double-shifting’ in public schools. The analysis is based on data collected from a sample of Jordanian public schools in...
Impact of Syrian Refugees in Jordan on Education Outcomes for Jordanian Youth
This paper examines the impact of the Syrian refugee influx on educational outcomes for Jordanians, including school entry, progression through basic schooling, advancement to, and progression through, secondary schooling, and entry into higher education. The authors...
The Impact of Low-skill Refugees on Youth Education
This paper examines the impact of Syrian refugees on high school enrollment rates of Turkish youth. Syrian refugees in Turkey are, on average, less skilled and more willing to work in low-pay informal jobs than natives. There are two main channels through which...
Education Interrupted: Enrollment, Attainment, and Dropout of Syrian Refugees in Jordan
Syrian refugees experienced disruptions in their education in Syria due to the conflict, and in Jordan they have encountered impediments to enrolling and remaining in school. This paper examines educational outcomes for Syrian refugees in Jordan, and assesses how...
A Persuasive Peace: Syrian Refugees’ Attitudes Towards Compromise and Civil War Termination
Civilians who have fled violent conflict and settled in neighboring countries are integral to ending or prolonging conflict. Contingent on their attitudes, they can either back peaceful settlements or support warring groups and continued fighting. Attitudes toward...
Property Restitution in Post-Conflict Syria
Property restitution will be challenging in any post-conflict Syria. Restitution and compensation processes will need to take into consideration: (a) the complex, pluralistic legal system governing housing, land and property (HLP) rights in Syria; (b) the widespread...
Unprepared for (Re)integration – Lessons learned from Afghanistan, Somalia, and Syria on Refugee Returns to Urban Areas
This report examines refugee return and reintegration in urban areas of Afghanistan, Somalia and Syria. The analysis is based on key informant interviews, focus group discussions, household case studies, operational case studies, and a literature review. Key points:...