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UNHCR’s Microdata Library

This project aims to provide technical support from the World Bank so that content on forced displacement from the Bank’s microdata library can be shared on UNHCR’s microdata library.

Statistical Standards for Statelessness

Ensuring that statistical producers worldwide use the same definitions and approaches when capturing statelessness, by supporting EGRISS to develop international recommendations on statelessness statistics, for adoption by the UN Statistical Commission.

UNHCR Forced Displacement Survey

Three pilot surveys, in Cameroon, Pakistan and South Sudan of the Forced Displacement Survey, the first-of-its-kind survey programme will produce data on refugees that is multi-sectoral, comparable across countries, and fully aligned with international measurement standards.

Refugees in Uganda

The inclusion of a representative sample of refugees in the national Demographic and Health Survey in Uganda – one stratum for the northern population and another for those in the southwest, reflecting the current geographic distribution of refugees.

Refugees in Ethiopia

Expanding the government’s survey to cover refugees, producing data that is fully comparable with their hosts and that will enable policy makers to improve outcomes for both.

Internal displacement in Colombia

Support for the National Statistics Office (DANE) and Victims Unit (UARIV) in Colombia to improve statistics on internally displaced persons by implementing international standards, linking IDP data with other government sources, and carrying out additional analysis and policy work.

Statelessness and national censuses in Central Asia

Support to census activities in Central Asia will improve the technical infrastructure of National Statistical Offices and train census enumerators on citizenship status and statelessness, and conduct public awareness campaigns of statelessness to encourage the participation of stateless people in censuses. This will be complemented with a survey on stateless persons in Tajikistan.

Refugees in Nairobi, Kenya

The World Bank and UNHCR will collaborate to produce comparative datasets on refugee and host communities in Nairobi.

Internally displaced people in the Central African Republic

Developing a new module for internally displaced people in the national Harmonized Household Living Conditions Survey, increasing the sample size of respondents in camps, building the capacity of national entities and analyzing the data.