JDC Literature Review

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Child Labour and School Attendance in Turkey

The author argues that the emphasis on the ‘self-sufficiency’ of Syrian refugees in Turkey “trivialises education in comparison with work and fosters a belief among Syrian adults and children that education will not immediately improve their quality of life and is...

Refugee Education in Greece: Integration or Segregation

Although education policies in Greece have been designed to integrate refugee children into the public schools, they have resulted in the segregation of refugee children living in reception centers by creating separate afternoon classes in nearby public schools...

Jordan: Education Policy in Transition

As the education sector in Jordan moves from a humanitarian to a development response, a lack of planning for an appropriate transition risks excluding some groups of learners. Specifically, the response has narrowed from “children, adolescents and youth” to...

Feasible Measurement of Learning in Emergencies: Lessons from Uganda

This article describes lessons learned from piloting a new education assessment tool in education centers and schools in the Rwamwanja and Kyangwali refugee settlements in western Uganda. The tool aims to provide a rapid, holistic understanding of displaced learners’...