This paper examines the impact of Syrian refugees on the labor market outcomes of Turkish nationals and how these effects are distributed across workers and regions. Prior to 2016, Syrian refugees did not have work permits and predominantly worked in the informal labor market, particularly in low-wage, labor-intensive sectors such as construction and agriculture. Even after work permits became available, they were limited in practice.
JDC Literature Review
Understanding the Dynamics of Refugee Impact on Employment: Evidence from Northern Uganda
This paper explores the impact of refugees on local employment opportunities in Northern Uganda. Uganda hosts more than 1.5 million refugees, with around 1 million from South Sudan.
Why do states give refugees the right to work?
This article investigates why some low- and middle-income countries give refugees the right to work, while others do not. The authors disaggregate the right to work for refugees into the de jure right (rights in law) and the de facto right (rights in practice). They argue that the central government determines the de jure right to work, while local governments determine the de facto right to work.
Refugee-Host Proximity and Market Creation in Uganda
This paper analyses how proximity to refugees affects the welfare and economic activity of host communities in Uganda. Uganda hosts more than 1.4 million refugees, living across 31 settlements in 13 districts. Despite their freedom of movement, most refugees remain in official settlements to access assistance from national and international agencies.
Heterogeneous Effects of Forced Migration on the Female Labor Market: The Venezuelan Exodus in Colombia
This paper examines the impact of large-scale Venezuelan migration on the female labor market in Colombia. More than 1.5 million Venezuelans migrated to Colombia in the period 2016–2019 due to the economic and social crises in Venezuela. The analysis is based on data from the Colombian household survey for the period 2013–2019. The authors exploit the variation in the concentration of Venezuelans across Colombian departments over time. They consider the non-random settlement of Venezuelans across Columbian departments by modeling (using an instrumental variables approach) the share of people living in each state of Venezuela in 2011 (before the Venezuelan exodus) and the distance between those states and the departments of Colombia.
The labor market integration of Syrian refugees in Turkey
This paper examines the labor market integration of Syrian refugees in Turkey. Since 2018, Syrian refugees in Turkey have numbered more than 3.6 million.
Syrian Refugees and Human Capital Accumulation of Working-age Native Children in Turkey
This paper examines the effect of Syrian refugees on the school enrollment and employment of working-age native children in Turkey. The authors analyze the distributional effects of the refugee shock for children with various levels of parental education.
Impact of refugees on wages and economic growth in a model with inflation
This article examines the effect of inflows of Ukrainian refugees on the labor market in Poland. The Ukrainian refugee influx increased the supply of unskilled labor in the Polish labor market.
Refugee inflows, surplus farm labor, and crop marketization in rural Africa
This article investigates the long-term effects of refugee inflows on host farmers in Tanzania, focusing on effects in labor and crop markets. The Kagera region in the northwest of Tanzania received large-scale inflows of refugee from Burundi and Rwanda in the early 1990s. The Kagera region is remote and impoverished, and most local households engage in subsistence agriculture.
The Labor Market Effect of South-to-South Migration: Evidence From the Venezuelan Crisis
This paper examines the impact of Venezuelan migration on the labor market outcomes of migrants and non-migrants in Colombia. Between 2014 and 2018, Colombia received approximately 1.2 million migrants from Venezuela, accounting for approximately 3.2 percent of the working-age population. A quarter of those immigrants were Colombian citizens who returned to the country due to the Venezuelan crisis. International migrants (not Colombian born) share a common history with Colombia and speak the same language.