This report presents estimates of the number of children living in internal displacement due to conflict and violence. Estimates are calculated by applying the percentage of the national population in broad age groups, estimated by the UN Population Division’s World...
JDC Literature Review
“Before You Were Born, Your Mother Ran” Displacement and Disillusion in south-east Myanmar
Around 162,000 people, predominantly ethnic Karen, remain internally displaced in southeast Myanmar due to armed conflict between Myanmar’s army (Tatmadaw) and the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), one of the longest ongoing ethnic conflicts in the world. Violent...
Informing Durable Solutions for Internal Displacement in Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, and Sudan: Volume C: Technical Aspects
Volume C of the study describes some of the innovations in survey methodology and analysis. Specifically: In response to underreporting of consumption patterns, the authors propose the adoption of “honesty primes” in survey design. Honest primes were randomly...
Informing Durable Solutions for Internal Displacement in Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, and Sudan: Volume B: Country Case Studies
These case studies are stand-alone displacement profiles that depict the socioeconomic conditions of IDPs and non-displaced communities. Nigeria Case Study Nearly two million people are internally displaced in Nigeria. About 60 percent of IDPs live in host communities...
Informing Durable Solutions for Internal Displacement in Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, and Sudan: Volume A: Overview
This report presents findings from comprehensive microdata surveys covering IDP and host populations in Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, and Sudan. Refugees in Ethiopia from Somalia, South Sudan and Sudan were also surveyed. The analysis includes: Profiles of IDPs and...
Are IDPs Satisfied With the Quality of Public Health and Education Services They Receive? A Long-term Perspective from Urban Areas in the Post-Socialist Countries
In most displacement contexts IDPs incur losses to their material assets (housing, land and livestock), leading them to invest in mobile human capital (education) in an attempt to reduce the socio-economic disadvantage that they or their children are likely to...
Comparing the Experiences of Internally Displaced Persons in Urban vs. Rural Areas: Findings from a Longitudinal Study in Iraq, 2015-2017
This paper examines the experiences of non-camp Iraqi IDPs. Drawing on panel data from a longitudinal study conducted by IOM and Georgetown University, the authors analyze the experiences of IDPs in terms of their livelihoods, standards of living, security and social...
Returning Home after Civil War: Food Security and Nutrition among Burundian Households
This paper investigates the food security and nutritional status of formerly displaced households (HHs) after return to Burundi, and tests whether it is the duration of displacement that matters for current welfare (divergence process) or the time lapsed since...
IDP resettlement and Collective Targeting during civil wars: Evidence from Colombia
This article explains why and how IDPs become endangered, even in civil wars that are not defined by an ethnic or sectarian cleavage. The author argues that armed groups are likely to target IDPs based on: Where IDPs are from and when they left. Territorial conquest...
Escaping to War: Where to Next? A Research Study on the Challenges of IDP Protection in Afghanistan
A record 653,000 Afghans were internally displaced during 2016, bringing the estimated number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Afghanistan to more than 1.5 million at the end of 2016. Many IDPs have been displaced multiple times. At the same time, the...