Forced displacement & migration in Latin America and the Caribbean

Hosted by the Inter American Development Bank, this event will launch two important publications:

Socio-Economic Integration of Forcibly Displaced Populations in Latin America and the Caribbean

A Spotlight Note produced by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Inter-American Development Bank and the United Nations High Commission for Refugees


Venezuelans in Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru – A Development Opportunity

A World Bank report supported by the Joint Data Center on Forced Displacement

Register to join ONLINE or IN-PERSON

Pablo A Acosta

Pablo A Acosta

Lead Economist & Global Lead for Migration, World Bank

Juan Francisco Espinosa

Juan Francisco Espinosa

Lawyer & Former Director of Immigration, Colombia


Melissa Johns

Melissa Johns

Senior Development Adviser


Thomas Liebig

Thomas Liebig

Principle, Migration & Integration, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development


Felipe Muñoz Gomez

Felipe Muñoz Gomez

Migration Unit Chief, Inter American Development Bank


Carolina Mejia-Mantilla

Carolina Mejia-Mantilla

Senior Economist, Poverty & Equity Practice World Bank


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