According to the authors, in 2014 there were around 1.5 million Syrian refugees in Lebanon—including 500,000 children of primary school age—out of a total population of 5.9 million. Several policies have been implemented to encourage school attendance including:...
JDC Literature Review
Vegetation changes attributable to refugees in Africa coincide with agricultural deforestation
This paper examines the effect of refugees on natural vegetation and agricultural land in host areas in Africa. The analysis is based on two main sources of data: (a) a dataset of 810 geo-referenced refugee camps monitored by UNHCR in 49 African countries over...
Leaving No One Behind: Refugee Inclusion in the World Bank’s Response to COVID-19
This report argues that refugees, who are typically left out of development plans, are at risk of being left out of national COVID-19 response plans funded by donors like the World Bank. The report sets out five key actions the World Bank—and other international...
The impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on forcibly displaced persons in developing countries
This brief identifies the steps that governments can take to address the consequences of COVID-19 in situations of forced displacement in developing countries with a view to ensuring that no one is left behind. The brief examines the exposure of forcibly displaced...
Perceptions About the Labor Market Integration of Refugees: Evidences from Syrian Refugees in Jordan
This article examines the labor market integration of Syrian refugees in Jordan. It describes how labor market integration depends on the alignment of four diverging perspectives: (1) the host state perspective, expressed through policies and laws on refugee...
Shoring Up Economic Refugees: Venezuelan Migrants in the Ecuadoran Labor Market
This paper analyzes the labor-market conditions of around 340,000 Venezuelan displaced abroad, who migrated to Ecuador between 2016 and the summer of 2019. The analysis is based on new data from the Survey of Migrants and Receiving Communities in Ecuador (Encuesta a...
Big Data for Sampling Design: The Venezuelan Migration Crisis in Ecuador
Even though Ecuador has a reliable and up-to-date sampling frame for the national census, the lack of information on the numbers of Venezuelans displaced in Ecuador and their locations in the country posed challenges for the design and implementation of the Human...
UN Peacekeeping and Forced Displacement in South Sudan
Previous sub-national research has shown that the presence and size of armed peacekeepers reduces the number of civilian and battle-related deaths, however little is known about the effects of peacekeeping deployments on forced displacement. This paper explores...
The economics of the Syrian refugee crisis in neighbouring countries: The case of Lebanon
This paper examines the economic and social impact of the Syrian war and refugee flows on Lebanon. The authors employ a dynamic general equilibrium model to capture forced displacement, discrimination, and segmented labor markets (distinguishing formal and informal...
Considering the benefits of hosting refugees: evidence of refugee camps influencing local labour market activity and economic welfare in Rwanda
Rwanda hosts more than 80,000 refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the majority in situations of protracted displacement (UNHCR, 2018). This article examines the impact of Congolese refugee camps on host communities in Rwanda with a focus on labor...