Statistical Inclusion of Forcibly Displaced

and Stateless People

The number of forcibly displaced people now stands at over 100 million. Many of the countries who host these people are rising to this challenge, making generous efforts to welcome and support those forced to flee and granting them access to health, education and other national systems. While responses to forced displacement are evolving rapidly towards greater national leadership and ownership, data production does not yet mirror this trend. Refugees and IDPs are often systematically excluded, insufficiently represented or inadequately identified in national surveys and other data. 

The multistakeholder pledge on statistical inclusion led by the Republic of Djibouti, is another stage in this evolution. 99 countries have pledged to include forcibly displaced, stateless people in their national data – 29 pledges from Africa, 25 from the Americas, 11 from Europe, 9 from Asia-Pacific and 5 from the Middle East and North Africa. 50 pledges came from Member states and 36 from international organizations some of whom pledge material or in-kind support of the data collection which aims to be in-line with internationally recommended standards.

EVERYBODY COUNTS - Fostering Refugee Inclusion through National Statistics

A side event at the Global Refugee Forum highlighted best practices of national statistical inclusion featuring presentations from countries, international organizations and refugees.

Refugees and internally displaced people in Cameroon

Recensement General de la Population et de l’Habitat (population and housing census) – 2024

Internal Displacement in the Central African Republic

Harmonized Household Living Conditions Survey – 2020

Refugees in Chad

Enquête sur les Conditions de vie des ménages et la Pauvreté au Tchad (national poverty and household living conditions survey in Chad) – 2018

Refugees in Ethiopia

Survey of Refugees in Ethiopia 2023

Internal Displacement in Honduras

Encuesta Permanente de Hogares de Propósitos Múltiples (national multi-purpose household survey) – 2022

Refugees in Lebanon

Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey – 2023

Refugees in Malawi

Demographic and Health Survey – 2024

Venezuelans in Peru

National household survey – 2022

Refugees in Uganda

Demographic & Health Survey – 2023