This article examines the effect of inflows of internally displaced persons (IDPs) on food security in host communities in Nigeria. It also examines the differential impacts of displacement due to conflicts, natural disasters and communal clashes on food security in...
JDC Literature Review
Impact of Rohingya refugees on food prices in Bangladesh: Evidence from a natural experiment
Between August and October 2017 close to 700,000 ethnic minority Rohingyas fled Myanmar and sought refuge in Bangladesh. The authors use this event as a natural experiment to examine the impact of the influx of Rohingyas on food prices in Ukhia sub-district, the main...
Forced Migration, Social Cohesion and Conflict: The 2015 Refugee Inflow in Germany
This paper investigates whether large-scale refugee arrivals in 2015/16 affected social cohesion in Germany. Over one million asylum seekers arrived in Germany between 2014 and 2016. To estimate a causal effect of refugees on social cohesion, the authors exploit the...
Perspective taking can promote short-term inclusionary behavior toward Syrian refugees
This paper tests whether a perspective-taking exercise can increase the likelihood that American citizens adopt more inclusionary behavior toward Syrian refugees in the United States. The analysis draws on the findings of a nationally representative survey of 5,400...
Building Social Cohesion in Ethnically Mixed Schools: An Intervention on Perspective Taking
Research has shown that perspective-taking (a cognitive process of viewing a situation from the perspective of another person) is associated with lower social aggression, higher trust, and social cooperation. It is also related to being able to analyze social...
Refugees welcome?’ The interplay between perceived threats and general concerns on the acceptance of refugees – a factorial survey approach in Germany
This article explores attitudes to asylum seekers in Dresden, Germany. The analysis is based on online surveys of over 1,000 residents conducted in Dresden in the first half of 2016. In addition to collecting information on local safety concerns and overall wellbeing,...
Inclusive Refugee-Hosting in Uganda Improves Local Development and Prevents Public Backlash
This paper examines whether the presence of large numbers of refugees in Uganda affects the provision of public services in nearby host communities, and whether improvements in public services in turn shapes attitudes toward migrants and migration policies. Uganda...
Immigration, Labor Markets and Discrimination Evidence from the Venezuelan Exodus in Perú
The number of Venezuelans living in Peru increased from 6,615 in 2016 to around 1,000,000 by 2021, increasing the population of Peru by around 2 percent. This paper estimates the effect of labor market conditions on self-reported discrimination against Venezuelan...
Does the education level of refugees affect natives’ attitudes?
This paper examines whether attitudes toward refugees in Germany are affected by beliefs about refugees’ educational attainment. The analysis is based on an online survey experiment conducted with more than 4,000 respondents representative of the adult population in...
Attitudes toward Migrants in a Highly Impacted Economy: Evidence from the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Jordan
Most of the evidence on factors influencing attitudes toward migrants has emerged from research in developed countries (mainly Europe and the United States), which finds: (1) little evidence that egocentric economic concerns about labor market competition drive...