The impact of COVID-19 on people living in low-income and crisis affected settings could be more severe than in high-income countries due to: (a) higher transmissibility due to larger household sizes, intense social mixing between the young and elderly, overcrowding,...
JDC Literature Review
Understanding Decisions Made on Asylum Applications in Host Countries
This paper examines the political and economic factors explaining the processing of individual asylum applications and their outcomes. The author considers heterogeneity in terms of efficiency (if procedures for status recognition are fast or slow), generosity (the...
Does Aid Reduce Anti-refugee Violence? Evidence from Syrian Refugees in Lebanon
Lebanon, a country with a population of 4.5 million, has received more than a million refugees since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011. The majority of Syrian refugees live in individual accommodation in Lebanese towns. Existing theory and policy debates...
Migration restrictions and long-term regional development: evidence from large-scale expulsions of Germans after World War II
This article examines the long-term effect of temporary but restrictive migration barriers on regional development in the wake of a refugee crisis by exploiting the large-scale expulsions of Germans after World War II (WW2). Approximately 8 million expellees arrived...
Migration in Libya: A Spatial Network Analysis
Libya is both a transit hub for legal and illegal migration as well as a destination country for international migrants, including refugees. This paper provides an empirical assessment of migration patterns to, within, and from Libya during 2017 and 2018. The analysis...
Blessing or burden? Impacts of refugees on businesses and the informal economy
The authors examine the impact of the sudden arrival of more than three million Syrian refugees on the behavior of firms in Turkey. This case is useful to investigate causal effects because: (a) the timing and scale of the refugee inflow were exogenous to economic...
Estimating Poverty among Refugee Populations: A CrossSurvey Imputation Exercise for Chad
Household consumption surveys do not typically cover refugee populations, and consequently poverty estimates for refugees are rare. This paper examines the performance of cross-survey imputation methods to estimate poverty for a sample of refugees in Chad, by...
Jobs Interventions for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons
This literature review summarizes: (a) evidence on the impact of forced displacement on economic outcomes for refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs); and (b) existing knowledge on jobs interventions for refugees and IDPs. The authors include both...
Refugee camps and COVID-19: Can we prevent a humanitarian crisis?
In this brief article, the authors argue that refugee camps pose a serious threat to the health of their residents, especially during a pandemic. For example, the Moria refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos, currently Europe’s largest refugee camp, suffers from...
COVID-19 and the Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh: The Challenges and Recommendations
This short article describes the current challenges facing Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh and suggests possible prevention measures to avoid COVID-19 outbreaks in these vulnerable areas. The authors identify the following challenges: (a) the difficulty of...