This paper examines the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on refugees in low- and middle-income hosting countries. It highlights the expected disproportionate effect of the pandemic on refugees in terms of employment and wider socio-economic outcomes. Key...
JDC Literature Review
Global Trends: Forced Displacement in 2019
The report presents data compiled by UNHCR on forced displacement in 2019 due to persecution, conflict, violence, human rights violations or events seriously disturbing public order. This year’s report includes analysis of displacement trends over the past decade. Key...
Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) 2020
The 2020 Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) presents global figures for internal displacement in 2019. The report includes the following key statistics on internal displacement due to conflict and violence: An estimated 45.7 million people were internally...
The Lives and Livelihoods of Syrian Refugees in the Middle East: Evidence from the 2015-16 Surveys of Syrian Refugees and Host Communities in Jordan, Lebanon, and Kurdistan, Iraq
This paper characterizes the displacement and welfare of Syrian refugees living in Jordan (Amman governorate, Za’atari and Azraq camps, and areas surrounding these camps in Mafraq and Zarqa governorates), the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), and Lebanon. The analysis...
Coping with the Influx: Service Delivery to Syrian Refugees and Hosts in Jordan, Lebanon and Kurdistan, Iraq
This paper characterizes rates of access to infrastructure and social services among host communities and refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), and related perceptions of quality of service delivery. In all three contexts, public service...
Keeping the promise: The role of bilateral development partners in responding to forced displacement
This study presents recommendations for operationalizing a ‘humanitarian-development nexus approach’ to displacement situations, as envisaged by the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR). The analysis is based on consultations with bilateral development agencies and a...
The impacts of refugee repatriation on receiving communities
Between 2000 and 2016 around 600,000 Burundian refugees returned from Tanzania, the majority before 2010, with most settling in their communities of origin. This paper examines the consequences of refugee repatriation for communities of return in Burundi, in a context...
Refugee Camp Population Estimates Using Automated Feature Extraction
There is a growing trend in the use of aerial and satellite images to derive estimates of displaced populations in camps. High-resolution satellite imagery can be used to map physical structures in refugee and IDP camps, including changes to the number and type of...
Predicting Forced Population Displacement Using News Article
This paper proposes an approach for analyzing a collection of news articles to extract ‘signals of violence’, which can be used in prediction models to forecast forced displacement. The authors test their proposed approach using news articles drawn from the Expanded...
Refugee Entrepreneurship and Self-Reliance – the UNHCR and Sustainability in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone
In 2003–04, UNHCR supported 15 entrepreneurial ventures for returned refugees in urban and peri-urban locations in Kambia, northern Sierra Leone. Despite a challenging environment for entrepreneurship in post-conflict Sierra Leone, 20 percent of these ventures were...