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Asylum Applications Respond to Temperature Fluctuations

There is ongoing debate as to whether climate change has contributed to, and will amplify, migration flows to the European Union from war-affected countries such as Syria, Afghanistan or Iraq. For example, a 2015 study showed that the Syrian conflict was preceded by a...

JDC Literature Review

JDC Literature Review The JDC literature review contains summaries of recent publications and academic scholarship on issues relating to forced displacement.[sfdivi_search_filter_form search_form="search-filter-id-49398" _builder_version="4.16"...

JDC Fourth Newsletter, 2020

Bringing rigor and evidence to the forced displacement narrative   Dear Colleagues, COVID-19 is spurring a great interest in data among experts and the broader public, especially for real-time information about the incidence of cases and deaths. This attention...

JDC Second Newsletter, 2020

Dear colleagues, The February edition of our newsletter contains a short video from our recent research conference, with messages from the Filippo Grandi, UN High Commissioner, Ola Rosling of Gapminder and Rema Hanna, Harvard University, among others. For the...

JDC First Newsletter, 2020

Dear colleague, Based on feedback, we will have this monthly e-mail from the Joint Data Center on Forced Displacement evolve into more of a newsletter. The core will remain the Literature Review, but we will also be offering brief updates on the Center’s most recent...

Climate, Conflict, and Forced Migration

There is growing public interest in climate as a driver of conflict and forced migration, however there is little empirical evidence that demonstrates a causal path from climate to conflict to forced migration. This paper assesses the determinants of refugee flows to...

Darfuri Migration from Sudan to Europe: From Displacement to Despair

This study examines the trends, causes and consequences of migration from Darfur, Sudan to Europe. Key findings include: Migration has long been a livelihood strategy in Darfur. Darfuris have traditionally migrated for work (seasonally or longer-term) and in response...

Identifying the Factors Driving West African Migration

Since 2014 over 600,000 African migrants have arrived in Italy via the Central Mediterranean route. The authors note that while migration from West Africa to Europe is increasing, there is ten times as much migration within West Africa than migration to Europe. This...

Risk Preferences and the Decision to Flee Conflict

This paper explores why most people affected by conflict do not migrate. The authors model the distributions of outcomes (in terms of expenditure per capita) for people affected by conflict who decide to stay or leave. The distribution for ‘stayers’ is observable and...

Risk and Refugee Migration

This paper examines refugees’ risk preferences using an experimental approach. It also explores whether refugees’ experience of violence may change their attitudes, either exacerbating risk-seeking behavior or diminishing it. Information about the migration decisions...