The Dataset of World Refugee and Asylum Policies (DWRAP) is the first global dataset of de jure asylum and refugee policies. The online platform features data from 193 countries from 1952 to 2022, allowing users to track trends over time and across geographical...
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JDC Newsletter, December 2024
As the number of forcibly displaced people continues to rise, the contrast between returns and resettlement figures is striking and was presented at the 3ʳᵈ JDC Research Conference in September.
Learning from the Evidence on Forced Displacement
This event marks the launch of the Learning from the Evidence on Forced Displacement e-learning course, a collaboration between Building the Evidence on Forced Displacement and the World Bank-UNHCR Joint Data Center on Forced Displacement to support the use of socioeconomic evidence in operational contexts.
JDC Newsletter, September 2024
Partnerships, data and policies are needed to address forced displacementLast week, in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, there wasn’t a single person present who didn’t feel the weight of the challenge posed by forced displacement. More than one presenter referred to the...
Findings from two rounds of the Somalia Displacement Phone Survey (2022)
Millions of people have been displaced within Somalia in recent and the country also hosts 38,463 refugees or asylum-seekers. The Somalia Displacement Phone Survey is the first to offer comparable statistics for refugees, refugee returnees and other forcibly displaced people. More than 90 percent of households reported having experienced some form of shock in the six months preceding the survey, including an unprecedented drought, severe flooding, and cycles of violence.
JDC Newsletter, March 2024
Amid conflict, insecurity, and climate change, East African countries are turning to data for solutionsFew countries have been more generous towards refugees than Uganda. Here, refugees have freedom of movement, the right to work and access to basic services. Uganda...
JDC Strategy for 2021 – 2023
When the JDC was established in 2019, expectations were high. Our aim was that, by the end of 2023, there will have been a step-change in the quantity, quality, availability, and use of socioeconomic data and evidence on those affected by forced displacement. The...
JDC Newsletter, February 2024
If the right policies are in place, Venezuelans can contribute a lot – socially and economically. Governments in the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region estimate that around 7.7 million Venezuelans live outside their country. A single figure cannot convey the...
JDC Annual Reports
The JDC was established in 2019 to help change the collective approach to forced displacement to a bigger and broader one that lasts longer, mathcing the scale of the challenge. This equires a different model, one that recognizes protracted displacement as part of an...
How Open Data Can Connect Humanitarian and Development Action in Fragile Contexts
How can development actors, including governments and policy-makers, partner with humanitarian organizations on data towards long-term outcomes, starting from the first days of an emergency response? And how can development and humanitarian actors consolidate...