JDC Literature Review

Results for: Attitudes towards refugees
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Macroeconomic volatility and anti-refugee violence in developing countries: Evidence from commodity price shocks

This paper examines the effect of macroeconomic volatility on anti-refugee violence in developing countries. The author focuses on exogenous commodity price shocks since commodity exports constitute a substantial share of national income for most developing countries and changes in world commodity prices are exogenous to each developing country. The analysis covers a sample of 98 low- and middle-income refugee-hosting countries between 1996 and 2015.

Policy preferences in response to large forced migration inflows

This article examines public preferences for immigration policies in Colombia, and the extent to which humanitarian concerns matter for those preferences. Colombia hosts an estimated 2.5 million Venezuelan migrants, approximately 40 percent of the total number of Venezuelan migrants who were displaced between 2014 and 2023. Venezuelan migrants and Colombian natives share similar histories, as well as ethnolinguistic, social, and cultural features.

Latin American Brotherhood? Immigration and Preferences for Redistribution

This paper examines the effect of immigration on social preferences for redistribution in Latin America, including the specific effect of large-scale Venezuelan displacement to Colombia. Most immigration in Latin American countries is intra-regional (70 percent in the 2010s), with migrants coming from countries with similar cultural backgrounds, including language and religion.

Socio-demographic, migratory and health-related determinants of food insecurity among Venezuelan migrants in Peru

This article evaluates the factors associated with food insecurity among Venezuelan migrants in Peru. The analysis is based on data from the 2022 Venezuelan Population Residing in Peru Survey (ENPOVE-2022). The survey covered households in eight cities most populated by Venezuelan migrants in Peru (Lima and Callao, Arequipa, Chiclayo, Chimbote, Ica, Piura, Tumbes, and Trujillo). The survey included questions on housing, household and individual characteristics, migration status, health, education, employment, discrimination, gender, and victimization.