Publications and reports
COVID-19 Impact Monitoring on refugee households in Chad
This brief presents results from a High-Frequency Phone Survey – Refugee Round 1: Jan/Feb 2021
The world continues to struggle with the health and socioeconomic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Burkina Faso – COVID-19 Impact Monitoring of Internally Displaced Persons | Bulletin No.1
This brief presents the results of the first round of the COVID-19 High Frequency Phone Survey on IDPs in Burkina Faso (BFA HFPS-IDP) administered between May 03 and May 23, 2021.
The Gender Dimensions of Forced Displacement: Findings from New Empirical Analysis
The Gender Dimensions of Forced Displacement: Findings from New Empirical AnalysisTo date, research and analysis of the gendered dimensions of forced displacement have been limited. This Quarterly Digest highlights findings from a new, major World Bank Research...
Refugees in Chad: The Road Forward
This very important report provides some critical insights on how we can transition from an approach based on humanitarian relief to one that provides a sustainable integrated response.
Iraq – High Frequency Phone Survey (IHFPS) to Monitor Impacts of COVID-19
This JDC supported report presents results from socioeconomic observational data collected by phone in four rounds from October 2020 through January 2021 focusing extensively on the Internally Displaced People (IDPs) and returnees (here referring solely to returning IDPs).
Answering the Call: Forcibly Displaced During the Pandemic
This second issue of the JDC Working Paper Series on the welfare of Forced Displacement takes stock of what is known about the experience of forcibly displaced and their hosts during the pandemic.
Impacts of Covid-19 on Work And Wages in Cox’s Bazar: Part 1 – Rohingya Camps
This brief summarizes findings from rapid welfare tracking surveys in Cox’s Bazar. Two rounds of tracking surveys were implemented via phone interviews in 2020 to monitor the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on labor markets, wages, and household coping strategies.
Improving Outcomes for Displaced Rohingya People and Hosts in Cox’s Bazar
Improving Outcomes forDisplaced Rohingya Peopleand Hosts in Cox’s BazarThis paper aims to identify knowledge gaps through a rapid evidence assessment of literature on the Cox’s Bazar region, the DRPs, and the HC. By mapping the current evidence and knowledge gaps...
Impacts of Covid-19 On Food Security In Cox’s Bazar: Food Consumption, Coping And Assistance
This brief presents findings on consumption, coping and basic needs from the Cox’s Bazar Panel Baseline Survey (CBPS) conducted between March – August, 2019 in combination with findings from the first rapid follow-up on a sub-sample of the baseline households conducted between April-May 2020.
Impact of Covid-19 On Work and Wages in Cox’s Bazar: Part 1 – Rohingya Camps
This brief summarizes findings from rapid welfare tracking surveys in Cox’s Bazar. Two rounds of tracking surveys were implemented via phone interviews in 2020 to monitor the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on labor markets, wages, and household coping strategies.