News & Events

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Past events

Desplazamiento y migración en América Latina y el Caribe

Desplazamiento y migración en América Latina y el Caribe

Una nota destacada producida por la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico, el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo y el Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados sobre la  Integración socioeconómica de poblaciones desplazadas...

Forced displacement & migration in Latin America and the Caribbean

Forced displacement & migration in Latin America and the Caribbean

Hosted by the Inter American Development Bank this event launched two publications:Socio-economic Integration of Forcibly Displaced Populations in Latin America and the Caribbean A Spotlight Note produced by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development,...

JDC at the UNICEF Data Webinar Series

JDC at the UNICEF Data Webinar Series

Felix Schmieding, Senior Statistician at the World Bank – UNHCR Joint Data Center participated in the session Leaving no-one behind: Inclusion of forcibly displaced in national surveys and the SDG indicators.

Blogs and Special Features

Data for what? Informing policymaking for forced displacement

Data for what? Informing policymaking for forced displacement

Authored by Björn Gillsäter and Prof. Peter  Kagwanja   As we mark the World Statistics Day on October 20, 2020, the global displacement crisis is at its all-time high. Currently, one per cent of the world’s estimated 7.8 billion people are forcibly displaced...

Supporting evidence-driven responses to COVID-19

Supporting evidence-driven responses to COVID-19

Authored by Domenico Tabasso   The challenges of gathering data about displaced people and host communities are further complicated in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the need to assess the impact of the pandemic is also driving innovations in...

JDC Newsletters

JDC Newsletter, November 2023

Displacement and poverty – The consequences of conflict in the Central African RepublicConflict in the Central African Republic (CAR) has a long history. Although it escalated dramatically in 2012, it has abated since then. But it’s still horrific. People have been...

JDC Newsletter, December 2023

What I learned at the Global Refugee Forum - that data has impactI have just returned from Geneva where I was at the Global Refugee Forum – or the GRF. My main takeaway was that data is critical. It was the standout message from Taka Masaaki, a JDC Senior Economist,...

JDC Newsletter, September 2023

Lessons from Niger – Setbacks are inevitable, so development requires a long-term and inclusive investmentThis is the first Newsletter from the new Head of the JDC, Aissatou (Aisha) Dicko. Aisha has over 15 years of operational experience with the World Bank in...

JDC Newsletter, July 2023

Does climate change cause displacement? (and more questions about data)Dear Colleagues, As we sweated through the hottest week on record in July, the reality of climate change confronts us all. Yet for some of us, the consequences are more dire than for others. After...

JDC Newsletter, April 2023

Statelessness: Where small changes can have profound impact   Dear JDC Newsletter subscriber, I have just returned from Hangzhou, China, where I spoke at the World Data Forum. Led by the UN, the event draws together people, like me, who want to promote the use of...

JDC Newsletter, March 2023

While cash-based assistance is common, research on these programs is limitedDear Colleagues, Last week I visited the Kakuma refugee camp in northern Kenya. Kakuma defies the images of refugee camps that we often see. It has markets, football fields and schools and its...

JDC newsletter, January 2023

Where refugees have the right to work, they become assets – and we have the research to prove it   Dear JDC Newsletter subscriber, What do Colombia and Uganda have in common? They grant refugees some of the broadest rights to work in the world. When we consider...

JDC newsletter, November 2022

For better policy, we need to start by filling the gaps in knowledge   Dear JDC Newsletter subscriber, In previous issues of this publication, I have talked about the dramatic increase in data-driven research on forced displacement over the last decade. While...

JDC newsletter, October 2022

Tents or tenants - what we know about the impact of displacement on local housing markets Dear JDC Newsletter subscriber, As the conflict in Ukraine continues, the needs of the displaced are something that governments in Europe and beyond continue to grapple with....

JDC newsletter, July 2022

Data, displacement and food security Dear Colleagues, Last month, the President of the World Bank Group, David Malpass, came to Copenhagen to attend the Nordic Baltic Governors Meeting and to visit the Joint Data Center. At the meeting, he stated that “the ripple...

JDC newsletter, June 2022

Painting a clearer picture of refugees and internally displaced with data Dear Colleagues, Since the inception of the Joint Data Center in 2019, we have seen a dramatic improvement in the quality, quantity, and availability of socioeconomic data and evidence on the...

JDC newsletter, April 2022

Attitudes towards refugees during humanitarian crises Dear Colleagues, According to UNHCR, since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, more than five million Ukrainians have left their country and another seven million are estimated to be displaced within Ukraine....

JDC newsletter, March 2022

Using research to inform policies and operations   We are experiencing the unfolding of the fastest developing humanitarian and refugee crises in Europe since WWII. Our thoughts are with those currently fleeing the violence in Ukraine. As the international...

JDC newsletter, December 2021

Using data for social and economic inclusion: gender - Chad - private sector   Dear Colleagues, On November 25th, the world commemorated the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, an initiative that reminds us that abuse of women is...

JDC newsletter, November 2021

From activities to results – two years with the Joint Data Center   Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to share our latest issue of the Forced Displacement Literature Review Update. This update has a focus on health and mental health outcomes of those forcibly...